Friday, September 5, 2014

School Plans 2014-2015

We do a lot as a Family!

  • Scriptures
  • Life of Fred(only the older 2 will do the writing portion)
  • Story of our World Volume 1, also the activity book but we don't do everything.
  • Science Center pass with Planetarium add on
  • Zoo membership
  • Local homeschooling group for field trips and Play dates
  • Gardening, yard work, and home projects. We try to involve all of the kids in these things as much as possible!
  • Each of the children get a 30 minute kindle turn each day. They each have their own profile that has just their age level, educational games that I hand select and it automatically times them out!
  • We also enjoy educational shows that I find on youtube, netflix and hulu. These are not planned but just as subjects come up and we want to learn more:)

Brandon is 2 years 8 months
He is just playing! Lots of outside time and hands on play!!! He loves to color, paint, drive cars, and act like a crazy boy!

Ally is 4 years old!
She participates in preschool that I teach from home. She is also drawing in her journal and has a few fun workbooks that she does whenever she likes:)

Jack is 5 years and 6 months
He has a kindergarten work book that he chooses whatever page he wants to do however, he does need to pick one each day(he loves it so he usually does several). He is also drawing and write in his journal and still participates in quite a bit of our preschool class. Jack already knows everything a kindergartner needs to know when they graduate so I won't be doing much with him this year. With the older 2 we pushed ahead because they were advanced. I feel like Jack needs time to mature a bit before we start more "formal" schooling. He is very active and has a really hard time sitting still if the activity isn't something he has chosen:)

Drake is 6 and 10 months
Drake is using Morning Work by teacher idea factory(my oldest used her 2nd and 1st grade sets and they were a huge blessing!!!). I love it! He does the reading and math. He also has a work book(Costco) that he chooses freely from. We are also working on All About Reading and All about spelling both level 2 about 2 times per week:) He also reads at least one book a day to a sibling and writes/draws in his journal daily.

Caden is 7 and 10 months
My oldest is very self motivated! He has taught himself cursive in just a few weeks, does math sheets for fun and learns about US and World geography on his own for fun! So since he is so self motivated, I really did not feel like he needed a full curriculum. I found the perfect work book for him at Costco that has reading, writing and Math(and some extra stuff) organized by week instead of by subject(Complete Year Gr. 3). I am excited to use it so that I can make sure he is working on those subjects and leave the rest to him!
We are also working on All About Reading and All about spelling both level 2 about 2 times per week:) He also reads at least one book a day to a sibling and writes/draws in his journal daily.