Thursday, March 13, 2014

Use Cheerio Boxes to make Organizers

I love making my own organizers for 3 reasons...

1. They are FREE(minus the cost of tape)!!!
2. They are customized to exactly what I need:)
3. When I rearrange or no longer need it I can just throw it in the recycling bin:)

A few tips- use a serrated knife(scissors are hard on a box), packaging or duct tape is a must, and try to keep as many of the the folds and box shape as possible(less work for you).

Take a gander at what I have created...

I made these over 2 years ago! It used to be cubbies and now we use it as a art drying rack:)

This one is my dry erase books that I made for each subject:) It holds them perfectly!

This is a magazine rack that I made for the kids magazines.
(Side View)

(Front View)

This one is for our Bob Books and leveled readers. You can barley see it on the shelf.

Here it is pulled out.

This is an index card box I made because I needed a long one and didn't want to pay 10$ each!

Get creative! Save some money and make exactly what you need:)

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