Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sensory Writing Mats

These mats are so awesome! They both have hair gel mixed with white conditioner in them, and  there is one layer of tulle on top of them. So it is squishy when you write with your finger but also textured from the tulle! I made 2 kinds. 

The first is a permanent one that has a yellow background and a thicker, tougher tulle layer.

See the Tulle??

The second is a reusable mat that you can slip paper into. It has a finer softer tulle(you can barley see it) but still plenty of texture!

Want to make your own?? Here's how to make the reusable one.
Start with gel and conditioner or something else if you want, just choose something that is non perishable, in a gallon size Ziploc bag. Play around with the amount, write letters and see if you have enough or too much.

Cut a piece of card board(cereal box) to be a bit bigger than a page protector with the binder holes cut off.

Use scotch tape to secure it to the card board

On the side that is open, only tape down the bottom half. This will make it easier to slide new pages in and out.

Next, tape your bag into place with the top of the bag zipped tight and folded over the top. I added the U paper so that I could see the page protector better:)

Lay the layer of tulle over the bag and surround all of the edges with duct tape. For the opening of the page protector I cut the duct tape long ways to go from one end to the other...

...then added a second shorter piece and folded it in to strengthen the opening

This is my hand inside the page protector.

The tulle is so fine that you can hardly see it but it is giving it a pink tint. Here is what it looks like when you rub the gel around.

And then with the letter traced.

The back looked like this and so I added more tape all the way around...

...With duct tape around the whole opening of the page protector.

All done! Just slide in any shape, letter or number printable and you are set! You can also just put different color papers in it to have a fun drawing board:)

 The permanent one is the same thing just without the opening:)

The tulle is the coolest feeling combined with the squishiness!


  1. I love the idea! I must try this. We use coffee grounds/powder in a box and the children can write the letters. But I love that this is more mobile. :) Thanks for sharing!

    Mars M.

  2. What a great sensory writing tool! Thanks for sharing how you made these.


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