Monday, February 10, 2014

Encouraging Healthy Eating in Kids

The kids and I have been trying to eat more fruits and veggies! 

We have been making green smoothies every morning!!!
We have been having Salad bars at dinner time! And a veggies tray, loaded and ready to go in the fridge. I bring it out at snack, lunch and dinner:) The kids can choose dip if they would like:)

The kids had been doing so great and had really positive attitudes. I really wanted to do something nice for them to show them that I appreciated them eating healthy. I was walking around the store and my first thought was to get them a treat! Grrrr! There were Valentines treats everywhere. Not that I mind the kids having sweets sometimes but it seemed like a bad message to send, "You ate healthy now have some candy!" So I left the sweet isle and came out with this idea!!

I found this adorable blender to add to our pretend area, little bubbles in their favorite colors and a fun coloring sheet.

They were so excited, they loved it!

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful idea! We're blessed with a garden and my boys (3 and 1) help out. Turns out they will only eat broccoli and carrots if they can pick it first. Same with apples and grapes. Won't touch them if they come from the grocery store. Maybe their taste buds are smarter than ours.
    (I was also excited to see a Thomas on the table. My 3 year old goes everywhere with his!)
    Keep up the good work - very inspiring! - Elizabeth M


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