Thursday, March 21, 2013

Play Pen School- Sensory Play Pen


Brandon is my first child to really use his playpen as a play pen. My other children have used them for sleep but never really for playing. Brandon is a very feisty baby and he has been having a hard with taking others toys and knocking down their buildings. My solution is the playpen but, only during school -free time(about 1 hour 3 times a week). When it is just my children I don’t use it because I want him to learn to be kind and my children to learn patients and kindness:) At first a few snacks and some baby toys were more then enough to keep him happy but then he started to get bored and cranky quickly! So know I am trying to come up with more engaging activities for him to do in his play pen. I’ll be posting more because I will have to keep this up for the next 2 months! I will be calling it playpen school:)

For this activity I used, pompoms, melon baller, tongs, little containers, and a big pretzel barrel! This kept him VERY happy for the full hour!!! I kept an eye on him and would stop to play a little. The older kids would also walk by and toss any that he threw out at him. He loved the visitors:)





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