Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Illuminated Solar System Craft


This was a really fun craft with an awesome finished product! Follow these steps to do it with your kids!

1.Trace different sized circles on to a sheet of black paper(we used 6 papers total). Trace that same size circle on to translucent paper. This is a great time to talk about the size of things in the Solar system. This is not to scale but we did make Jupiter larger than Earth and smaller than the sun, and so on:) The kids had fun searching for different sized circle things to trace!


2. Use glue to cover each translucent planet with tissue paper. We looked at a poster of the planets to choose our colors. Use the brush to “paint” down the tissue.


3. Cut the black circles out, without cutting the rest of the paper.

4.Once the tissue has dried, tape the planets to the back of the black paper in the right spots.

5. if you want stars and an asteroid belt, just use a pin to poke holes:)

6. Tape it all up on a sunny window and enjoy!

The pictures really don’t do it justice! It looks so cool and the kids love it!


Hard to get a picture but Earth is my favorite!


Here’s a further back shot so you can see how it is on the window. I love it!



  1. So awesome! I don't have translucent paper but I do have some contact paper. Can't wait to try it!

    1. I was thinking that contact paper would work great! Then you could skip the gluing process! If you try let me know so I can see:)My paper way cloudy too so maybe contact paper would let more light in:)

  2. This is such a great idea! It came out wonderful!! Just posted on Craft Gossip!

  3. Thanks for the information appreciated been reading for awhile, and just wanted to let you know I continue to enjoy your writing.
    Save Energy


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