Thursday, February 14, 2013

9 Cheap and Easy Ways to Make Valentine’s Day More Special for Your Kids!

(I know Valentine’s Day just ended but I am posting this to pin for next year;)


These could be adapted for any holiday! They take hardly any prep or planning and they are CHEAP and Easy!!!!!

1. Give books instead of cheap plastic toys! I picked out one book for each of my children but all of the books went into our family Library! So much better then plastic toys that are just going to end up in the garbage!


2.Have something for them to wake up to! We decided to let the kiddos indulge in some chocolate covered strawberries! They were absolutely giddy!!!


3. Add Sprinkles!!! I have a stash of sprinkles that I use to make normal meals into HOLIDAY Food!!!! Same food but the kids go nuts!!!


4. Cookie cutters! Add them to their play-doh or use them for tracing to make holiday art!


5. Books! Gather all of your holiday books and read them! Or check them out from the Library! We decided to have a book picnic because it was so nice out!


6. Make a regular lunch special! I used a heart cutter to cut the red bell peppers and then chopped the scraps up and added it to the pasta. The fruit leather has hearts cut out and they are placed on the apple sauce! The pink milk is just soymilk with a few strawberries blended into it! It only took me about 5 extra minutes to make lunch!


They loved it!


7. Send them something in the mail! You could also have family do this or just slip the letters into the mail box when they aren’t looking!


They loved getting their own special mail! And the notes were just simple valentines from me!


7. Help them play with their Valentines! I didn’t realize how many valentines are toys now! There were sticker puzzles and mazes, and even this little soccer game that you fold out of paper! I think he might have tossed these if I hadn’t noticed!


8. Play games with the treats! It makes them last longer and they have more fun! We liked balancing the sweet heart on our nose and trying catch it in our mouth! Yes, like a dog lol


9. Learn with your treats! My 6 year old practiced grouping and dividing.


And my four year old sorted and talked about more and less!


These same ideas could be used for any holiday and they take almost no planning at all!!

Do you have any special things you do for your kids on Valentine’s Day??


  1. I *love* all the things you did to make Valentine's so special for your kids! What a treat for them!

    1. Thank you! They loved it and that makes it all worth it!


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