Monday, July 16, 2012

500!!!!!!! Awesome Game Made Better with Water!!

So the Game 500: One person throws a ball and yells out ”100!!!!” a crowd of kids tries to catch it and if they do, they get the points! First to 500 wins!


These kids aren’t catching a ball! They are catching Water balloons!!!


We filled the balloons the night before and then just started tossing them and shouting out numbers!


The Kids went NUTS when someone caught one!


Ready to step it up a notch??? Full size balloons as the water balloons! We call this 5000!!!!080084


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This looks like a lot of fun!! Will definately give it a try ;)

  3. nice on a hot day.

    can you check out my new teaching blog and help me pick a design? Would really appreciate it.


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