Sunday, May 6, 2012

Way Out in the Dessert

We live in a beautiful desert so the last 2 weeks we have studied it!

We focused on:

  • Evaporation
  • How plants and Animals adapt to the heat and lack of water
  • Cacti
  • Desert animals

We read many wonderful desert books! We have quite the collection and the kids really enjoyed them.


Nature cooperated so nicely with my theme this week! The Saguaro Cacti were in full bloom in my neighbors yard, bees were humming all around them!


We also watched birds nesting in the cacti



See the baby poking out? The kids loved watching them!


“Gila Wood Pecker”


After observing we went in side and drew pictures of what we saw.


Another day we did a science experiment to learn about evaporation. I set up my sister’s Oil burner with water in the dish. I used a wooden block to raise the candle up higher. Once we saw wisps of vapor or steam rising, we placed a big plastic pretzel barrel over the top with a hole cut in the side(so the fire could get oxygen)


The results were precipitation collecting on the inside of the barrel. I let the kids put their fingers inside to feel the moisture.


On the Shelf

Real cacti to observe and study


Desert animal puzzle


Desert Sensory box


And we had lots of lego fun this week:) Nothing to do with the desert but the boys in my class loved it!


1 comment:

  1. What great ideas & activities you did. This is seriously the best way for children to learn. And they will remember this so much better.


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