Monday, May 28, 2012

Fun and learning with stickers!


Do you ever buy stickers that your child is so excited about, just to see them slapped on paper and it’s over? Well, here are a few fun and educational ways to use those stickers and to get a little more bang out of them! The first activity we did was a simple clue game. I wrote clues on the top of the paper. Caden(5) read each clue and then picked a sticker that best fit the clues. He loved it and had a great time practicing reading!004

Another fun activity that gets the creative juices flowing is finishing the picture. I let the boys pick 3 stickers and then they used markers and crayons to finish the picture.


Here’s how they turned out:) I love them! Drake’s(4) is outer space and Caden(5) drew a race track;)


We also use them to make cards for our friend’s birthdays! I wrote out the words and the boys used it as a guide to find the write letters.


On the inside they did another “complete the picture” and they both picked cars because that is what they thought their friend would like :)


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