Thursday, May 10, 2012

First Aid Kit

I have five children and 3 of them are very active boys! They get hurt pretty often and I was getting sick of running all over the house looking for Band-Aids, Neosporin, thermometer, teething gel and all the other little things you need to care for sick or hurt little ones. Solution put it ALL in one spot! I did this 6 months ago and I have loved it!


Band-Aids, cleansing wipes, and Neosporin on top


In the tray that sits in side we have: Thermometer, Children’s Advil, gas drops, teething gel, Lanolin cream(I use it for the kids when they get chapped cheeks) saline nasal spray, eye wash cup and ear ache relief drops.


The very bottom has: Peroxide, aloe Vera, itching creams, 3 kinds of medical tape, and wound closure strips.


You can also lock the whole thing if you want to.


I can’t tell you how much time and frustration this has saved me! I feel so prepared now if anything happens with the kids. And I can bring the whole kit with me on car trips or camping!


  1. This is brilliant! Where did you get the box from? I'm really going to need something like this for the summer :]
    ~Alyhs of Living an Unlife

  2. That's a great idea. I would also like to know where you got the box from. Thanks, Subin

  3. This is a great idea and I will do this as soon as I can find a similar box! The idea of just packing it in the car on trips is brilliant too. Where did you get it? I love that you can lock it up!

  4. Awesome idea! Is that a tackle box for fishing?


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