Monday, May 14, 2012

Easy Summer Snack- Pudding Pops!

I cut a slit in the top of each pudding cup. Stuck a baby spoon in each cup and then stuck them in the freezer. I figured that the baby spoons would hold the pudding pop better then a stick, and I was right!


The kids loved it! Of course we ate them OUTSIDE and then played in the pool! Fun, easy and MESSY snack:)



  1. I just found you through a link on pinterst and I have to say I'm extremely impressed by you! I can't get over how much you are able to accomplished with so many little ones so close in age. You have kids the ages that I do (5, 3 and 4 months) plus two more! I feel so overwhelmed a lot of the time (I haven't yet recovered from this last baby mentally). I think you must be supermom. Happy late mother's day!

  2. Why didn't I ever think of this? I bet the kids would love them!

    Please add email subscription for you site! ;)

  3. We do this with yogurt-my kiddos love it =)


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