Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Balance Beam

Several Years ago I posted about how to Make Your Own Balance Beam

Well now my boys are MUCH bigger and taking gymnastics so they needed a heavy duty beam to practice on at home. I measured the one at their gym class and then went to Lowes and picked up:

  • Four 5 inch Lag bolts(My husband said that is what they are called)
  • One 8 foot 4by6 board
  • One 2by6 board

Cut two 18 inch pieces from the 2by6. Counter sink two holes. My husband did this using a one inch drill bit(just deep enough that the head of the screw would not stick out). Then screw them to the beam


Here is what it should look like from the bottom


Here is what it should look like from the top


Sand it up:) As you can see I worked very hard on this partWinking smile


My little Gymnasts love it! And it is much heavier then the first one and the boys can do cartwheels on it and everything! It was very cheap! Less then 12$



  1. We recently made our own balance beam too!-

  2. Doing this for my 3.5 daughter and (almost) 6 year old son tomorrow. THANK you for the instructions ;)


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