Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Angry Bird Snack!

I saw these angry bird fruit snacks and new that my boys would love them! Let me just say that fruit snacks are considered candy in my house(as in we never have them) so my boys were extra excited! I gave them the fruit snacks along with “building materials” so they could play:)


They loved this snack and activity:) Their little buildings were cute and they spent about 30 minutes eating a 2 minute snack!



  1. haha, I love that you said fruit snacks are a treat at your house. They are basically considered candy here and only given as a potty treat of something like that. I like the building food activity. Ada right now wouldn't take the time. She would just eat it and ask for more..but hopefully some day

  2. hi! i found your blog (this post) on pinterest. i love this idea and tried it with my kiddos yesterday and blogged about it here:

    thanks for the inspiration...

    i might try it with some other (easier to find and cheaper) fruit snacks too. like mario. :)


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