Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spring Part 3-Animals

This week we learned all about Animals! More specifically baby animals. We talked a lot about how different animals have their babies and feed them in different ways.

Circle Time

The top row of books were read at circle by me and the bottom row were out on the shelf with the other Spring books.


We sung “Grandpa’s Farm”, “One Little Bird”(a favorite!) and “Down on The Farm”.


We also got out our bunny during circle time! She was so sweet and hopped to each child as they petted her! The kids loved it!


Small Group

After reading about the kittens we drew pictures about them and used stickers from the book.


We worked together with 2 folder games.


I put them on the white board so the kids could use the magnets to put the correct pictures up.


We drew pictures of our favorite animals and then wrote about if it was a mammal and why or a bird and why.


On the Shelf

Farm sensory box with corn kernels


Animal word puzzles


Matching animals to pictures


Outside Time

My sister let me borrow two of her ducks for the week! They were so fun to watch diving under the water and splashing around:)


I let the kids help collect the chicken eggs and we talked about how they will not turn into chicks because there is no Rooster.



  1. I love your blog. Is there a way to contact you? I work with Journey North, an educational website. We would love to feature a couple of your photos (with image/blog credit) in a future update of our Tulip Test Gardens. We are interested in your Spring Part 2 post from March 30th. Please let me know if you would be willing to share your photos with our readers. Thank you!

    1. Sure Rita! My email is

  2. Oops...forgot the link:

  3. I love your blog! Thanks for all the wonderful ideas. I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old, so these ideas are perfect for my kids. I nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award! Check it out at:

  4. *We sang . . . there are many songs that we have sung.


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