Sunday, April 1, 2012

Organized Playroom Closet

Just Cleaned my playroom closet! Ahhhhh that feels better!!!
Tip! Gallon size zip lock bags!!!!! I can see every thing and it’s so much better then a bunch of random sized containers!


  1. Seriously?

    "Ahhhhh that’s feels better!!!" should be, "Ahhhh, that feels better!!!"

    Don't you paste your post into a word document first to do a grammar and spelling check?

  2. Don't you have anything better to do than criticize someone else's grammar?

  3. Dear Anonymous,
    I have a question for you. Why is it so important for you to point out spelling and grammar mistakes on this blog? This is a blog with ideas and fun for kids and keeping them busy. She is sharing them with us. There is no reason to make someone feel bad. If it really bothers you so bad, then don't read this blog. This is an incredibly busy mom who shares so much with all of us in REAL life. Not just on her blog. Be nice!

  4. I enjoy the "keep away from children" warnings on the containers with toys! Haha :). Great idea with the bags though


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