Sunday, April 22, 2012

Letter Palooza!

We finished our “Letters of the Week” so for the last 2 weeks we reviewed them all. We focused on our names, reading and letter sounds.



  1. Hey, I was wondering if you have a specific room for school? Is it your playroom too? Are your kids allowed to go in the school room when you are not in there/after school? I have a 2,3,4 year old and it's hard for us to keep certain things in the playroom (art supplies, etc.)because they get into everything and make messes if I'm not there. But I really want to be successful in having school time there. It also is our play room.
    angellsworth at gmail

  2. I love your blog and all the ideas! I've gleaned many for us with my kids (I made a busy book!). I'd like to pass along the Versatile Blog Award to you. You can find the rules on my blog post

  3. REALLY REALLY REALLY wanna know where I can get a LEGO older boys in childcare will LOVE this!!!

    1. Check out Pinterest & search for "Lego Alphabet" It will take you to the original artist & you can purchase a print.


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