Monday, April 30, 2012

Friend Magazine Questions

This Summer we will be focusing all of our homeschooling on READING! We are going to read read READ! My kids love to read and honestly with the exception of circle time I have not been reading as many books to the kids as I would like(way less actually). So to go along with our Summer of Reading we will be reading our entire “Friend Magazine” each month together:)

We are also going to work on comprehension of what we read as well. So each month I will be making questionnaires for the articles in the friend.

I thought others might enjoy them as well so click below to print them for yourself.

The Friend Questions
for May 2012

You can read the articles online. Some are very specific to my religion(Mormon-The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints) but most are just good moral lessons:)


  1. Thanks for sharing! Somehow I didn't realize you were LDS, too. I'm a blog the way. Ha!


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