Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring! Part 1-Insects!

Circle Time

We read Monsters Among Us, Bob and Otto, and Butterflies and Moths.


We sung Ants Go Marching, The Fireflies at Night, and the Fuzzy Caterpillar.


Lot’s of free reading time during play time. I found some great books on insects at the target dollar spot.


Small Group

Monday: I put large fake insets on the table for the kids to draw pictures of.


Wednesday: We talked about the butterfly life cycle and then drew butterflies. We used foam stickers to decorate the wings.


Friday: We used our old playdoh, sticks, straws, pipe cleaners and google eyes to create insects. It was a great was to talk about the parts of an insect.


On the Shelf

3D Insect book! VERY Cool!


Real insects that I pinned and put in test tubes. These were all collected DEAD! I don’t kill the bugs. I teach my children to respect nature so I just wait until I find insects that are already dead. I put these out with a magnifying glass and insect flash cards.


Insect parts activity that I made.


Counting bugs. Use tongs to make towers. Each bug has a number written on top.



We took many walks in the garden and released lady bugs.


Saw Butterflies


And hung up our praying mantis egg cases! Can’t wait till they hatch!



  1. Sam, it is so awesome to see how many people are following you!! On Pintrest I have seen strangers pinning your site. So cool!

  2. Hi. I love your blog! Thanks for all the great ideas. I could be mistaken, but I thought I saw a post filled with outdoor ideas for a birthday party. Wasn't that on your blog? It was a messy party with balloons, paint, water... I can't find it now that I'm coming back to steal your ideas. Am I mistaken or going crazy, our was that on your blog? I'd love a return comment or email at aliseaman79 at gmail. Thanks!

  3. Love the bugs on top of the blocks idea. So fun!

  4. I'm so squeamish about bugs - I don't know how I'll ever get through it as great as this!


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