Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Five Senses

Everything we did is not pictured because I get so busy working with the kids on something that I don’t get pictures and then we are done. Oh well:)


Colors with scratchers from the Target Party spot! 1 dollar for 4! The kids loved them!


Make your own Kaleidoscope! Grandpa got this for the kids and they love putting different things in it!



Squishy Balloons! Fill two balloons with the same material(sand, water, hair gel, gravel, beans, air) and have the children feel and match and also guess what is inside! The pink ribbon identifies one set so that you know the match is one without a ribbon.


We had two of these needle acticities out. One was plastic and one was metal. Very cool sensory experience!


During Circle time we would put on a blind fold(or put a blanket over our head or close their eyes if they want), then we would put a ball in their hand and they would describe how it felt and then guess which ball it was:)


Feeling for shapes



Lavender Scented Playdoh. Smelled so yummy!


Shaving Cream. So fun to run their hands in it and also smells yummy! Like a Daddy;)


Fun to write in too! LOL Jack is saying CHEESE!


Smelling bottles. Dollar store salt shakers. there are 3 different scents with so each one has a match.



Listen to pennies inside of eggs. This was a great activity for listening and counting and logical thinking. One egg had zero pennies, one hand 1 penny, another had five and then 10! I would shake one egg and the kids would all guess how many were in it. Once we had made our guess we would open them one at a time and count the pennies together to see if we were right!


Another blind fold game. This time guessing the instrument I would play. With some of the older kids I would play 2 instruments at the same time and the would guess both. Great activity!


Listening to egg shakers. 12 eggs 6 matches. Inside: dice, marbles, pennies, sand, gravel, and bells)



We did a taste test of different foods but I didn’t get pictures:)


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