Monday, January 23, 2012


Sorry I have been MIA!

I have been busy with

my newest little guy!


Welcome to life

Brandon James Packer:)


  1. Congrats on your precious new arrival!

    ❤Jodi from...
    ★★The Clutter-Free Classroom★★
    Helping Teachers Get Organized

  2. Contests! Just found your blog so excited to follow you. :-)

  3. Congrats on your newest addition. I enjoy your blog and find it amazing that you still have time to update it.

  4. Hey I just found your blog through pinterest, and oddly enough I kind of know you (or knew you) I can't remember for sure but I think you went to the singles branch or institute in Glendale (I live in Surprise now) You have a beautiful family. And thanks for all of the ideas- I plan on homeschooling too, and I love any extra ideas for my munchkins! Hope your recovery goes well.

  5. I follow you from Argentina in South America. Congratulations for your new baby! God bless you and all your family!!!!!
    I admire your creativity while raising five children.


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