Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What’s Out Wednesday!

Peg board with NO hammer so that they could use your fingers and work those fine motor skillsIMG_2737IMG_2757

Letter stamps with ink pad(target dollar spot)


Long strips of paper with small stickers


Some just put stickers and took them home and others decided to cut between the stickers (my intentions)


Magnet disks, the kids love the floating!


My sister got me these plastic beads(I think from the dollar store) and I found drink stirrers(dollar store) and I stuck them together! It was a hit!


Tonging acorns


Spooning marbles


Since we explored South Africa this week I put together an African Animal sort(elephant, giraffe, rhino, and lion)


Magnetic Alphabet puzzle


Large floor alphabet puzzle(Costco and I LOVE it!)


Tic-Tac-Toe (these 2 kids just took turns and said “I blocked you!”, every time, it was cute!


Magnetic Numbers and black circle magnets. My little stink face loved this one.


He is really in love with addition right now:)



  1. Have just discovered your blog and I love it!! I have two boys under 2 but can only imagine the chaos and fun you must have with four under four!

  2. Hi,
    I have a question for you, how do you keep everything organized? I want to start with my children but its REALLY hard whenever I bring out a project they start grabbing things and dont listen to what the activity is. Is there a way you organize yourself before you bring the activities out? Are there some things you do in advance? my email is if you could please help me out. Thank you!!

  3. Lots of fun ideas for kiddos! I am pinning a couple of them for my Little Guy's school tub!


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