Saturday, November 19, 2011

Teaching the Passing of Time

This is how I like to teach the passing of time.

The thing I like most about my method is that it is all on the walls all of the time and that makes it easy to reference to it when the kids are interested in a date or event coming up.

On our “Learning Board” We have our day’s of the week  pockets with Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow on popsicle sticks. (I got his idea from “Counting Coconuts” and the pockets are from the dollar store)


Then we have our magnetic month Calendar! I LOVE this! It is so easy to switch out every month and every piece is stored on the back! The glare makes it hard to see but I made my own Sunday-Saturday magnets because they only had the abr. printed on the board. It comes with lots of little holiday and birthday magnets but you can also easily make your own to add to it. Every circle time I take off the Season, Month, Year, Day of the Week, and Date of the month, and the children get to put them back in the right spots as the class say it together:)


Last but not least is our months of the year! Sorry for the terrible picture but I didn’t want to show the children’s names and birthdays. January is at the beginning and there is  a picture of a baby(That is the month I am due with our little boy) and the other months have shapes of different colors with the kids birthday’s on them. Also there are holiday pictures. I have loved doing this because the kids are always asking when the baby is coming and when their birthday’s are. We used to do this when I was a teacher but just with birthday’s not holiday’s and special events. Also there is a little red arrow(on November) that I move each month:)


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