Saturday, November 19, 2011

Learning Board

I’ve mentioned our “Learning Board” in previous post and I wanted to elaborate:) So here’s an old shot, pretty self explanatory. The books to the side are ones I am reading for circle time that week. I bring the whole board down off of the rain gutter shelf each circle time but it is also very easily viewed while up on the wall(but out of reach).


The kids love to play games with the “Learning Board”! The “find it” game is the most popular! With the number I ask each child to go find “3” of something(all at the same time). When they come back to circle they get to put their 3 things on the tray and we all count together. Fantastic counting practice for everyone.


Find the color!


We also sing some silly songs and do other random games! The kids love it and it’s very easy for me to switch out and keep up with. I’m posting a video to explain it better and sing the songs(I sing them more joyfully with the kids but it’s kind of embarrassing on a video;) Also, excuse my 2 year old in the background! He loves the learning board and refers to it often!

The Learning Board


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