Friday, November 4, 2011

Chicken Scratch Pool

I bought a 50 lb. bag of chicken scratch(broken bits of corn and a variety of small seeds) for 14 dollars at my local feed store:)

I poured the whole thing into our plastic baby pool. The kids LOVE it! Ally is the biggest fan and then Jack so I guess this is geared toward the younger kids but they all loved it! The best part is that anything that spills gets swept into the grass and eaten by my chickens(a huge treat for them)


These nesting bowls are in it right now(LOVE these!! Put them on your Christmas list, All of my kids find so many uses for them, ages 4, 3, 2, and 1. Fisher price, Wal-Mart) along with dinosaurs(Ally loves dinosaurs!)


I also put dollar store flowers and plastic pots for flower arranging!


The boys surprisingly liked this!


If you don’t have chickens or don’t have a feed store near you then maybe try to get a big bag of wild bird seed instead.

You could also buy a smaller bag and just put it in a tub that comes with a lid:) Sensory tub style.

Warning: You need a LID. I used an extra baby pool to put on top(it has a crack so it’s no good for water anyway). You don’t want birds IN IT, but just cleaning up the spills:)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely idea - will store in my memory bank for the coming holidays


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