Thursday, September 29, 2011



Lots of Chalk drawing!


The sand box and rope swing are always very well loved!


Small Group

(we all sit together at the table and I lead a group activity)

Patterns with Unifix Cubes


Empty vs. Full

We all worked on this, the basket is full of picture that I laminated of things that are empty or full.


Arranging Elephants by size from Confessions of a Homeschooler


Counting practice with number mats.


Work Time

(During this time the kids can choose anything on the shelves freely)

Art and Writing

(dot paints, stickers, cutting practice, sand writing tray, letter E practice, Art caddy full of coloring materials)


Trays and Table Toys

(magnetic exploring, puzzles, Styrofoam with hammers and golf tees, sorting large buttons, matching nuts and bolts, unifix cubes(added orange), tonging cedar balls, little connecting guys, snowflake builders)


Circle Time

E egg hunt! I hid the eggs all over the room and the kids found them and put them on the side with the upper or lower case E.


The learning board! The kids LOVE playing games with our “subjects” and figuring out “Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow”


Play Time

(dolls, dress up, blocks, toddler toys, reading, pretending with stuffed animals)


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