Outside Time
This week we just played! Getting to know the rules of the backyard:)
Small Group
We focused on the basics this week; cutting, gluing, name writing, play-doh, and learning to use the art caddy. All of these things are available everyday during work time so I wanted to make sure that they knew how to use them.
Here, the children cut strips of paper between the stickers or dot paints.
The next day we glued the cut pieces on to paper to learn to use the glue sticks.
we learned how to get down the play doh and put it away properly.
Work Time
This is a free time in the school room when we work on activities on the shelf.
Art and Writing
Art Caddy is full of different art supplies. (Jack’s favorite activity lately)
Stickers, great fine motor activity!
Little letter stamps from the Target dollar spot.
Clothes pin transferring pom poms
Color sorting cards from Homeschool Creations
Table Toys
Shape sorting
Circle Time
We sing songs and read a book everyday and also play a game with one subject from our learning board. We also have calendar time where the kids take turns each day putting the pieces of the calendar on as we say them together.
Zoob builders
Lots of block play
weeh! I feel like I stumbled on a treasure trove of ideas for teaching my kids in class! I am so blessed!;) Thanks a lot for sharing these activities.