Friday, July 8, 2011

A Tarp Plus Water Equals FUN!

Our slide on our playground lifts easily so we put a tarp under the end to make a slip n' slide and a splash pad! The hose has a 2 dollar sprinkler head on it that sprays straight up! It looks like the head of a watering can:)

It keeps the slide and tarp wet and creates puddles all over for splashing! Good clean(cheap) FUN!
The tarp is from Costco! It comes in a 2 pack for 20 bucks and we use them for lots of other things. It's 16 by 10 feet:)


  1. I would love for you to come and link your blog to my new linky party. It can be a particular blog post of yours or just a link to your blog. Please come add your blog to the linky party now!! Thanks!

  2. You have such great ideas!!! I'll be following you on bloglovin!


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