Sunday, April 24, 2011


Our focus these last two weeks has been on plants, Spring, and a little bit of Easter funSmile

Each child picked what ever seed they wanted to grow from my collection of seeds…


Most of them grew and the ones that didn’t got sent home with new seeds so that they can try againSmile We also put seeds in a large Ziploc bag so that we could study the roots and growing patterns. We learned that the roots come first and then the stem and leaves come out. The squash seed was the coolest because it’s root system was so large easy to see! To do this experiment yourself put a wet paper towel in a bag and add seedsSmile that’s it…Should I explain again LOL


We created flower garden’s with these neat stickers that I got at the dollar tree. I liked this because it looked beautiful no matter how they colored the rest. I only put out green crayons.


I put the extras out in the art area and the kids had fun creating more beautiful gardens.


I made some word cards and we practiced writing garden words and drawing pictures to go with them.


Free Choice

(activities that are out during work time that the children choose as they please)

The following three activities came from Homeschool Creation’s Garden Pack

We used clear stones to mark the beginning sounds


We matched up parts of the flower with the words.


We also put these seedling pictures in order


I made these pumpkin growing cards from a work book we have and put them out with a dry erase marker for writing the number of order in the white boxes


Button Flowers!


I also have a very small collection of insects for the kids to look at. I hope to find more but I have a “moral” thing that I won’t kill a bug for display purposes so I have to wait till I find them dead and not crushed! I got lucky with these two! I used a sewing pin and a little pieces of floral foam inside of a test tube so that they won’t shake around and brake. We’ve talked a lot about how beneficial insects are for plants.


Sorting flowers and butterflies


Easter Fun!

I got these glittery foam stickers at the dollar store and made pattern cards to continue.


Tonging bunnies031

Listening and matching Easter eggs (2 with rice, 2 with a bell, and 2 with 3 pennies)



  1. Oh, I love the button flowers idea! Unfortuntely, they are about the only plant I can keep alive!

  2. Nick and I looked at this together. He loves it. Thank you for doing such a great job.

  3. Great activities! Lots of fun ideas!



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