Sunday, March 6, 2011

Letters O and P

Everything we did this week is not pictured. If you would like to see my entire lesson plan, click below:)

Play Room
Two girls in my class (my nieces) had flower clips in their hair so we decided to count them and talk about more and less. The kids were so into it that we started sorting everybody. By eye color, number of ponytails, boys vs girls. It was very fun and a great way to practice more and less!

I have so many of these baby links so I put them out for the kids to make chains:)

O is for Octopus patterns

P is for spooning Pink and Purple beads
P is for Dot Painters
O is for ocean sensory tub! Huge hit so we will be keeping it out for another week:)

O is for exploring the ocean in our Encyclopedia Britannica book

Small Group
Patterns with unifix cubes

O is for Orange! We played a memory game were I take something away and they guess what it was:)

I gave each child an opposite card and as I held one up they all looked at their cards to see if they had the opposite to it. I got these from my sister and she got them out of a workbook.


O is for Obstacle Coarse. They best part of this was hearing them cheer each other on!!!

P is for Popcorn Picnic in our Pajamas!!! (they were so excited! You'd think I was serving chocolate cake!)

We spotted a Gila Woodpecker and identified it in our nature book

P is for paint! I got the paint rollers and trays for less then 2 bucks at Lowes and then let the kids go to town on this plywood(left over from boarding up my windows). Huge Hit!

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