Thursday, March 31, 2011

Letters U and V

My amazing friend Brittany came and played her viola for us! It was beautiful and the kids really enjoyed it. For one song I gave each child their own musical instrument so they could play alongSmile


V is for vacuum


On the shelf

Spooning Acorns


Sorting U and V beads


Coins in an Easter egg bank that I got from the Target dollar spot


Celebrating spring with some flowers and butterflies


V is for Vehicles


U shaped glass things


Small Group

Talking about vegetables and all of the healthy vitamins and minerals in them and then we drew pictures of our favorite veggies!


V is for Volcano! We learned about volcanoes and then did the classic volcano experiment! I lined up 8 test tubes and put baking soda in each one. Each child got a turn to use a bulb syringe to squirt red colored vinegar to make their explosion!



We welcomed Spring with fake flowers and pots in the sand area, Huge HitSmile


Trying out Windows Live Writer

So here is my cute Ally!


Ok I love this!!!! I totally recommend it!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


I have been losing interest in blogging because it is so frustrating and time consuming to do my post on blogger. I have to upload pictures slowly and in reverse order and then delete a bunch of spaces? Does anyone know a better way? I have already bought my domain name but I don't know what to do with it. Any helpful tips or sites out there? Thanks:)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Garbage to Games: Letter Ball

This is one of those apple containers from Costco! I love getting the organic apples for the kids! I took the container and wrote every letter of the alphabet...

...then start tossing balls and see what you get:)
Happy Garbage Gaming!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Letter Q and R

SO LATE! But I had to get it written so that I could remember the activites the next time we do these letters:)
R is for Rainbows
I colored the holes as a guide to make the rainbow...
...but it looked cool even if you didn't follow the colored holes:)
For this rainbow I started the 6 color rainbow pattern and then tied a knot on the ends. The child uses the rest of the beads to continue the pattern. And doesn't the pipe cleaner look like a puffy cloud?:)
Tweeze a rainbow with pom poms
Or just tweeze;)
Number matching Rainbows from Confessions of a Homeschooler with magnets on the back!
Q is for quilt! I made these color by number quilts and the kids matched the color cube with the right number to see the quilt pattern.
Q is for Quiet Vs. Loud. Shake-Listen-Sort:)
Size sorting quilts from Confessions of a Homeschooler

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Counting Octopus Printable

I found my pictures that I lost so I updated the post for O and P and found this little guy:) I printed him out on purple card stock. Then laminated, cut, and stuck on magnets.
Every kiddo tried it at least once and some several times:) You just match the numbers up:)
If you would like to make your own, click the links below:)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Letters O and P

Everything we did this week is not pictured. If you would like to see my entire lesson plan, click below:)

Play Room
Two girls in my class (my nieces) had flower clips in their hair so we decided to count them and talk about more and less. The kids were so into it that we started sorting everybody. By eye color, number of ponytails, boys vs girls. It was very fun and a great way to practice more and less!

I have so many of these baby links so I put them out for the kids to make chains:)

O is for Octopus patterns

P is for spooning Pink and Purple beads
P is for Dot Painters
O is for ocean sensory tub! Huge hit so we will be keeping it out for another week:)

O is for exploring the ocean in our Encyclopedia Britannica book

Small Group
Patterns with unifix cubes

O is for Orange! We played a memory game were I take something away and they guess what it was:)

I gave each child an opposite card and as I held one up they all looked at their cards to see if they had the opposite to it. I got these from my sister and she got them out of a workbook.


O is for Obstacle Coarse. They best part of this was hearing them cheer each other on!!!

P is for Popcorn Picnic in our Pajamas!!! (they were so excited! You'd think I was serving chocolate cake!)

We spotted a Gila Woodpecker and identified it in our nature book

P is for paint! I got the paint rollers and trays for less then 2 bucks at Lowes and then let the kids go to town on this plywood(left over from boarding up my windows). Huge Hit!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Reading Cards

Drake has been begging me to teach him to read like Caden! He is so excited but we are taking it very slow, because his skills might not meet up to his excitement! So to start practicing I made these reading cards. The idea is that Drake will read the words and then get to lift the flap and see the picture!
If you would like to print your own, click the link below. Cut them in half and fold down from the top just enough to cover the picture and not the word. I printed them on card stock so that they wouldn't be see through.