Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Organizing Your Play Kitchen

This is our kitchen! It is one of the most popular areas in our playroom and it was driving me crazy!!! It was always a mess and I think it was discouraging quality pretend play!

First I took pictures of each thing in it's proper place. Then I taped down the pictures:) I didn't put anything in the oven, or on the counter or stove top. I did that so that the kids only pull out what they want to use instead of digging a bunch of stuff out just so they can use the oven/dishwasher/dryer.
I also screwed in some small brass hooks for the aprons to hang on the side...
...and the hot pads above the stove.
I Love this Kitchen and, now it's getting even more use then it was before, because it is more inviting! I had a new girl in my class say, "Hmmm, I need to put the pizza away, oh there's a picture, I know where it goes!" I was in teacher heaven:)


  1. Complimenti! E' veramente bella!! Claudia (Italy)

  2. A place for everything and everything in it's place! Love it!

  3. I love that kitchen! What brand is it?

  4. Smart idea!!! I may need to do that!


  5. Thanks for reminding me of this. I have the same problem with our art space. I love the art space and it is definitely the most used space in our house but it can get so untidy. I think I have to make some place cards, too. Thanks.

  6. What a lovely and inviting kitchen. I like that it is also gender neutral. Ours is very pink and girly (but I guess it is okay since we don't have any boys in the house!)


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