Saturday, February 26, 2011

Letter M and N!!!

Everything we did this week is not pictured so if you would like to see our entire lesson plan click on the link below
Play Time
The kids all love these foam blocks!

Computer Time

Blaster!! The kids really enjoyed this reading game

On the Shelf

***M is for Magnets***

Magnetic dressing boy

Magnet rings (depending on the way you place them they float or stick)

Horse Shoe magnet with sand and metal shavings activity

Magnet wand with test tubes containing magnetic and non-magnetic things

New Puzzles

M is for different sized marbles

Collage Materials and glue sticks

N is for Nuts and Bolts

Tonging Cedar Balls

M is for Mirror. I put out a little basket of objects for the kids to place on the mirror and study the reflections

M is for Monkeys!!!
Small Group
We wrote our names in our journals with these mini gel pens that I got from the Target dollar spot. We used our name cards for reference as we wrote. The mini gel pens were great for encouraging them to write because they were excited about the new writing tool! I'll be saving these for more exciting writing adventures:)


  1. Looks like a fun week! I love all of your ideas! :) And will be hitting the target dollar section this weekend when we finally get to a target! :)

  2. thanks for posting the lesson plan! great to see time & activity to get a better idea of what you're up to!


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