Sunday, February 20, 2011

Friday Wrap-Up K and L

I washed my camera!!!!!! Grrrrrrrr! I got this nice little camera so I can just take pictures quickly and then put it back in my pocket:) It was perfect till I left it in the pocket when I put my laundry in the washer! I felt so dumb! Live and learn! Anyway, so I had to use my bigger camera so it was hard to get as many pictures this week but we did have a very fun and full week!

We passed out or Valentines and the kids were all so excited and so cute!!! Even Jack handed his out and I loved watching him:)

K is for Kitchen:) Lots of fun in the kitchen EVERY week:)
Some really good and creative block play going on this week!
Still enjoying the Valentines playdoh:)
K is for kites! I love Confessions of a Homschooler!
I introduced the computer this week and everyone was excited but we haven't all gotten turns yet:) We use headphones so we don't disrupt the rest of the class:)
L is for Lizard!!!!! A friend brought in his Bearded Dragon Lizard and the kids thought it was sooooo cool! When ever I have a visitor come I prep the kids before hand. I ask them what questions we could ask and help give them some ideas. That way when our guest arrives their little brains are already cooking with questions and interest:)


  1. Great week, but sorry about the camera. Kerri

  2. Wow, I would have been thrilled to see the beardie too :D sucks about your camera. I dropped mine on Monday and broke it :(

  3. I hope that the lizard went well/ Sorry about the scheduling :/ I wish he could have taken crickets so the kids could see it eat. We were so sick last week. We will plan better next time :) P is for Puppy, I have a shih tzu haha!


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