Sunday, January 30, 2011

Friday Wrap Up G and H

Every thing we did is not pictured. If you would like to see our entire lesson plan for the week click below.

Mega Blocks

I had one of the girls in my class help me organize the kitchen area and then help me take picture so that we could make labels! She enjoyed being my helper for the morning.

The music instruments got a lot of use this week:)

On the shelf

Shape puzzles, the kids all really like these

Letter G and H writing Practice

New sand in the sand in the writing tray. Jack dumped out the other color;) It's one of his favorite activities along with the rest of the class.

G is for sorting green things

H is for house building. I made a little idea card

My sister got these word building cards in the Target dollar spot and turned a few into magnets:) These were a bit hit with the older kids! I love that so many of my students are starting read and spell!

H is for Hippos!

H is for Hungry Hungry Hippos!!! So exciting that I hand to help everyone take turns and then put it away after the first day:) H is for Hammer G is for Glitter and Glue! I poured some glitter in their hand so that they could pinch it out with the other hand.

Thrift store connectors:) H is for Hearts! Jumbo playing cards to put in order

Small Group

G is for Geometric Solids

Each child had a basket with one of each of the Geometric solids. We took turns picking one and then I would teach them the name for it and then everyone would search in their own basket for the same shape...

And put it in the middle of the table until we had them all:) This was a lot of fun!

Outside Time

G is for Gumball Machine!

We took turns being at the top of the slide. Someone at the bottom would give them a coin(dollar tree) and tell them what color gumball they would like...

The "Gumball Machine" would then find that color and send it down the slide! So much fun and it was great color practice. Also the kids would slide down once they had three coins so that someone else could have a turn!
H is for Hoops! My little sister got this for the kids and it's so fun! The balls roll out of the bottom:)
G is for Go! We played stop/go and the kids go to race back to the gate on the count of 1-2-3 GO!!!


  1. Great week! Forgot about hungry hippos! I need to pick one up! Kerri

  2. It blows my mind how creative you are! Thanks for the ideas. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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