Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday Wrap Up C and D

We had a great week learning all about the letters C and D!!!!
Play Time
During play time we got to get a live show!! We got to watch a tree cutting service use their bucket truck cut down trees.

C is for car garage
D is for dressing up

Collecting things that start with C and D
On the Shelf

D is for dinosaurs by Confessions of a Homeschooler
Writing practice from Confessions of a Homeschooler
Lacing C and D things
D is for roll a dinosaur I made this from a sticker book, roll the dice and put that many on and the same for taking them off. It's hard to tell but there is a match for each dino.

C is for Clocks to explore C and D beginning sounds sorting
D is for dinosaur stamps! Huge hit!!
C is for counting Caterpillar, from Confessions of a Homeschooler
Encyclopedia Britannica books from Costco

C is for counting and sorting cats
Small Group
C is for Candyland
We play this with just one piece and all work together to get to Candyland!
D is for dollars
We counted the dots on the dice and received that many dollars. If we didn't have enough to buy the toy we wanted then we would roll again. This was great counting practice:)
C is for Cold!
I filled three test tubes, one hot, one regular, and one cold. We all touched the test tubes with our eyes opened and closed. We talked about the opposite of Cold...Hot:) Outside
The kids love the animals as usual!

we loved digging in the sand with our dinosaurs:)


  1. Thank you so much for posting so faithfully on your blog.
    I can not express how much I appreciate the time it takes you to do so, and the difference it makes in my own life (and the lives of my children)
    I only wish we lived closer an I could come observe you and let my son learn with you.

  2. Thank you Erika! I needed that today:) And you're welcome!


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