Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Wrap-Up A and B

We are starting our Letters of the week and this week was A and B. We had so much fun this week I am going to post my weekly lesson plans if anyone would like to see them.
Cool book I got from Costco that came with 9 blocks to create the 9 pictures that are in the book
B is for building
We collected everything we could find that started with an A or a B! I was surprised at how excited they were to do this!
(Our lessons are very short, probably not even 5 minutes)
The kids shouted out things that started with the letters A and B and I drew them on the chalk board
We practiced a new word that has both of our letters in it
On the Shelf
Magnetos continue to be a favorite
The sand writing tray is out almost the entire work period! The kids love it!!
I downloaded this Aa sorting apples activity from Confessions of a Homeschooler! Here site is AWESOME!! You will see a lot more of her things her but I sometimes change them a bit so that the whole class can use them over and over. In this case I laminated them and put magnets on the back.
Our writing area has 2 clip boards with letter A and B practice writing sheets, also from Confessions of a Homeschooler. I put them in page protectors so that we could use them with dry erase markers. These have been a huge hit with the older kids, especially Caden.
There are also little books that my sister made for the kidsA is for Animals

B is for butterfly, blue, baby, and bear sort A is for tonging airplanesA is for tweezing Apples(actually cherries from the game Hi Ho Cheerio)
A is for lacing and making patterns with airplanes
A and B sort(this only came off the shelf once)
Winter Play dough with numbers
A is apple sizing
Small Group
Sorting front and Back opposite cards
Drawing our favorite animals and telling one fact that we know about them
Fake snow in the outdoor sensory tub!
Balloon painting! HUGE hit!!! The balloons are half filled with water and half with air and then tied to yarn. The kids dipped them in in paint and then bounced them all over the paper! The colors started to mix and several kids said they looked like fireworks!
Caden got really into it once the other kids were done:)


  1. How old are the kids doing this?

  2. The kids are ages 3-5 and some of the activities are for Jack who is almost 2

  3. How fun! How long did it take you to round up all the different manipulative's for your shelves? (I am talking for all the letters, not just a/b). My daughter is almost 2, and I was just wondering when I should start getting some of these items... :)

  4. Wow! The balloon painting looks like way too much fun! Kerri

  5. I really love your blog and ideas. ;-)
    An award here if you want it :

  6. Thanks so much for linking back, and all the great ideas, looks like so much fun!


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