Monday, January 17, 2011

Fire Blocks

I used some 1 inch cubes and dollar store glitter leaves to make some fire blocks! I just glued some of the smaller ones along the top and then larger ones along the bottom so that they would over lap! I made 4:)
I added some fire trucks to the building blocks and the kids had a blast pretending that their buildings were on fire!

They would pretend to spray the fire and then knock the fire blocks off the building:)
These fire blocks were meant to encourage more building and pretend play but for a little while the kids were just playing with the trucks and fire. I took away the trucks and explained to them my purpose for putting out the fire blocks. Once they started building burning buildings I gave them the trucks back and they all realized how much more fun it was to actually build something:)


  1. So clever! Just shared it on twitter and facebook! Love it!

  2. Genius! What a great way to add dimension to block play! I am definetly going to have to make these to go with our Fire Safety Unit in October!

  3. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing

  4. Great idea. I would be glad to use it in my blog as a way to play with wooden blocks (an article I'm currently writing).


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