Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday Wrap-Up!

Small Group
Writing in our journals about Christmas
We worked on our magnet stones for our parents Christmas presents! The kids all put them in little holiday bags with a few candies!
White Board
Numbers 7-10 with magnet buttons to count. Jack love to stack the magnet on the board and take them apartBlock/Floor area
All of the kids love our wooden unit blocks! Caden built this all by himself and was so excited to show me!
On the Shelf
Our new pet fish, Philip!
Roll a Christmas tree
Little connectors that I got from the thrift store for 50 cents
Counting Christmas erasers
Pattern tray with Christmas colored bears
Animal puzzle from the Target dollar spot Do a Dot Christmas tree
Christmas art materials! Tonging cedar balls that I got from the dollar store. They are supposed to be used for putting in drawers and stuff:) I put out the little try that they came in for them to transfer them into.
Tweezing red and green pom poms
We adopted a bunny rabbit and the kids LOVE her! She is so friendly and love them petting her!


  1. Hi!

    Can you please tell me how you made those amazing magnet stones? They look so beautiful!


  2. Sure! I took the regular sized pictures that the kiddos drew, scaned them and shrunk them down in the computer, then I cut them to fit the size of the stones(from the sollar store) and the used modpoge to put thm on the backs. Then just hot glue a magnet to the back!

  3. What wonderful activities! I love the tree decorating one!

  4. I cannot tell you how amazing of a teacher you are. Seriously, my Josie is so excited to go to your pre school, to learn and grow and develop herself....because of your awesome teaching abilities. I wish every school had more people like you.


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