Thursday, December 2, 2010

Friday Wrap-Up!

No more What's out Wednesday:( When I started doing What's out Wednesday I was in an apartment and doing very little school and now I am teaching preschool from my home so a Friday wrap-up is much better:) I will still do a link up if anyone would like to link up:) The biggest difference will be a lot more action shots and I will include Small Groups and some Circle Time Activities:) Enjoy!

Small Group
Decorating wooden Christmas Ornaments that a parent brought in for the kids:)

Making Patterns with Unifix cubes

Block/Floor Area
Jingle bells with counting mats

Legos, I like putting them in a large shallow tub so that they are easy sift through

Farm animals with the Unit blocks

Magnet Board
Manger Scene

On The Shelf

Magnet builders

Play dough with Christmas cutters: Green Peppermint Scented
White Vanilla Scented

Red Cinnamon Scented

Sorting red and green objects

Pattern tray with Christmas balls:)
Wood Christmas tree with Ornaments
Manger figurines in a velvet lined wooden box
Sand writing tray


  1. What a wonderful week! We are going to be doing the same thing with play dough this week, except I'm sure ours won't smell so yummy. :) Thanks for hosting this link up!

  2. Did you make your magnetic nativity?

  3. I would love to know more about the magnetic nativity too. I love it!


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