Friday, November 12, 2010

Color Mats

I made these color mats by laminating sheets of construction paper. I wrote the name of the color on one side before I laminated them. During play time we spread them out on the floor and started running around the playroom getting toys to sort on to them. The kids loved it and it was great for practicing colors. All of the kids told me that we needed a pink and grey one:)

I have a lot more activities in mind for these but this one alone was great fun!

  • Hold them up when you sing color songs
  • Lay them out and shout colors to jump to
  • Hide them around the playroom and hunt for them
  • Put them in rainbow order
  • Use them to practice writing the colors


  1. I love this simple, and so effective!

  2. thanks for the idea to laminate them. we have done the color sorting and the paper gets a little wrinkled. we have also used felt squares for color sorting. bean bag toss is fun too...toss the colored bean bag to the matching colored square!

  3. This looks like fun! Thanks for sharing. I will have to do this with my daycare children,they will love it! :)


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