Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What's Out Wednesday!

Welcome to What's Out Wednesday!!!!! WOW is where I share what I have out for my children! I may post about my whole school/play room or a single activity that I have out! I will post every Wednesday and the Linky will be open for the week and close as the new week starts. If you would like to share what you have out just write about it on your own blog and add a link to that EXACT POST(click on the title of your post to get the link).

Sorry I didn't post last week. We had a huge hail storm here and it broke most of our windows and rip our roof up:( It's all being repaired now:) I only really changed 2 things.

Our Art Shelf has stickers, markers, crayons, scissors, tape, glue sticks, and grocery ads. The kids had been cutting up all of our art paper and then not doing anything with their clippings:) My sister thought of putting out the grocery ads so that they can practice without wasting paper.

Our sensory tub is a HUGE hit but, really simple! Just rice, scoops, pumpkins, and little acorns.

Link UP if you have a What's Wednesday to share!


  1. The linky wasn't working correctly.

    But here's what I had out last week for my baby girl...

  2. Oooh, can't wait to link up some off the things we have out. Though Alder's shelves are sorely lacking due to a problem in the printer ink logistics... (Also known as unnamed 4 year old printing 20.000 pictures...)
    It's my birthday tomorrow and I have 3 dozen cupcakes to bake and decorate. After that if I've not collapsed in a heap I'll be back here taking pictures...
    Hope your house is all sorted out again soon!

  3. I´m very happy because i link up this week.
    We have a halloween sensory tub too.

  4. I really like your sensory tub. Thank you for sharing.

  5. I have been reading your blog for some time now and so happy that i found it. you are such an inspiration! i was wondering how you plan your weeks. i am new to teaching at home and feel lost as to how to plan it out.
    would love a post on that:) or is there one and i am just missing it?

  6. oooh! I love the sensory tub and I think I have several of the same materials that I could use to make one for my son!


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