Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What's Out Wednesday!

Welcome to What's Out Wednesday!!!!! WOW is where I share what I have out for my children! I may post about my whole school/play room or a single activity that I have out! I will post every Wednesday and the Linky will be open for the week and close as the new week starts. If you would like to share what you have out just write about it on your own blog and add a link to that EXACT POST(click on the title of your post to get the link).

This week Drake had a huge melt down at church because he couldn't take a lacing card home with him??? That's right..a Lacing card! So I made some to put out in our school room:)

I just laminated whole sheets of card stock with extra thick laminating sheets. Then I cut out some basic shapes and punched holes in them:) The boys really enjoyed them. I am thinking of using a sharpie or stickers to put numbers or letters next to the holes. Kind of like a dot to dot? We'll see:)

Link up if you have a What's Out Wednesday to Share!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What's Out Wednesday!

Welcome to What's Out Wednesday!!!!! WOW is where I share what I have out for my children! I may post about my whole school/play room or a single activity that I have out! I will post every Wednesday and the Linky will be open for the week and close as the new week starts. If you would like to share what you have out just write about it on your own blog and add a link to that EXACT POST(click on the title of your post to get the link).

Sorry I didn't post last week. We had a huge hail storm here and it broke most of our windows and rip our roof up:( It's all being repaired now:) I only really changed 2 things.

Our Art Shelf has stickers, markers, crayons, scissors, tape, glue sticks, and grocery ads. The kids had been cutting up all of our art paper and then not doing anything with their clippings:) My sister thought of putting out the grocery ads so that they can practice without wasting paper.

Our sensory tub is a HUGE hit but, really simple! Just rice, scoops, pumpkins, and little acorns.

Link UP if you have a What's Wednesday to share!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What's Out Wednesday!

Welcome to What's Out Wednesday!!!!! WOW is where I share what I have out for my children! I may post about my whole school/play room or a single activity that I have out! I will post every Wednesday and the Linky will be open for the week and close as the new week starts. If you would like to share what you have out just write about it on your own blog and add a link to that EXACT POST(click on the title of your post to get the link).

So I have been trying to get back into my routine since having my baby 5 weeks ago and October was the perfect thing to get me motivated! I had a lot of fun putting together some Halloween/Fall activities in the school room! I had some of the stuff from last year but I also got some new stuff from the dollar store!

Peg Game! Caden and I played it today and I found out that he's a cheater:)
Matching Geometric Shapes. Each orange has a matching purple.My Sister found these little wooden circles in the floral section at walmart and they are fun to make murals flat on the table or to stack and build.
This little game is also from the dollar store. Caden and I played the right way but Drake and Jack just like putting all of the pegs in:)
Dressing boy with all of his costumes!
I made some laminated pumpkins to put in order by size.
Halloween erasers in the sorting tray
The add it game has 6 little pumpkins to add with:)
The pattern tray also has little pumpkins
Transferring Marbles with a 1/4 teaspoon. (cups are four for a dollar at walmart in the baking section)
Transferring Acorns(dollar tree) with wooden tongs(99 cents only store)
Homemade Orange Scented(nutmeg) Playdoh with Halloween Cutters and rollers:) I put the playdoh in three separate containers because we were having sharing issues when it was all in one container:)
Lacing beads to make bracelets. use the card to count out 10 beads and then lace them on to the pipe cleaner:) And mommy twist it into a bracelet that they want nothing to do with LOL They loved the activity but couldn't care less about the product.

That's what out at our house! What's out at yours!?!