Thursday, September 30, 2010

What's Out Wednesday! Link Up

I've gotten several comments asking if I will be doing a link up for What's Out Wednesday. Before I go through all of the effort of learning how to do this whole linky thing I wanted to know if anyone would be interested so I put up a poll to the right. If you would please vote that would be great and if you want to leave a comment telling me how to do a link up lol that would be great!


  1. As one of the askers I voted Yes, every week! I have no clue about how to do it though... Have found this page for photo linkup:

  2. Okay so maybe a silly question-- but what's a "Link Up"?

  3. Hey there,
    I don't know how to "link up" either. I wanted to let you know that I made a busy book after seeing your ideas and linked back to you. Thanks for the wonderful ideas!!!!

  4. You're not alone Courtney! I have the same silly question! :) what's a link up?


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