Friday, September 17, 2010


I'm in love!!!! Caden worked with me this morning to plant our first garden! He did great an even I was surprised at all he was learning (un planned learning!) while spending time gardening! Here's a little list of everything we talked about this morning;

Plants (duh), We talked about roots, the sun, the leaves soaking up the sun and why the plants needed water!

Fine motor skills; using scissors to cut the seed packs and to trim roots! No joke he did this like a pro gardener! I just turned around and he had the plant very gently upside down in his hand and was trimming the roots!!! He took it so seriously! He also had to work very hard to pinch just the right amount of seeds!

Colors, size, counting, reading(the names of the plants)!

Also a ton of logical thinking was going on! I told Caden that we would be planting peas and that they needed to climb up something as they grow! Where should we plant them so that they can grow up?? It took Caden a little while but then "he" got the idea that they could grow up the dog's fence. I thought it was great idea so the peas are planted towards the back:)


  1. Won't your peas get peed on? I know my dog has a tendency to lift his leg anywhere we don't want him too... And do I see a little strawberry plant growing there?

  2. fabulous, I'm so jealous. All I have are pots. I'm thinking about trying to put a garden box on our porch. Where did you get yours or did you build it?

  3. Great activity! I really appreciate your ideas and enjoy reading about what worked with your children. I gave you an award at


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