Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Number Puzzle

I got this cardboard puzzle from the dollar spot at Target because I loved the little pictures! Once I got it home I realized that the pieces were too hard to get out without picking at it with my finger nails. I decided to turn it into a magnet activity instead. I have a pack of sticky back magnet strips from Walmart for 97 cents and used that to put a little piece of magnet on the back of each puzzle piece.
Caden new exactly what to do when he saw it! First he matched them all to the right number and then put them in numerical order. It's the first time he's done numerical order without me asking him to:)


  1. Awesome idea. I have a few of the target dollar spot puzzles (that one and others) and thought the same. They are really hard to get out. I think I'll add some magnets (since I have a roll) to the backs as well.

  2. What a great idea! I have a few puzzles like that, that are hard to get the pieces in and out!

  3. This is a great way to reuse a tricky puzzle.


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