Saturday, August 14, 2010

The boys have been loving insects lately so I put together this Activity center for them. On the hook we have insect flash cards with cool facts on the back. I got these at the Target dollar spot and they are awesome!!! The insects are ones that we actually can find in our back yard. We have already captured, observed and released: A Katydid, Praying Mantis, Palo Verde beetle, yellow bellied bee assassin(not on a card but we found it online), Cicada, Ants, Crickets, silver fish and so many more! Every time we find and capture one we read about it on the card and talk about respecting nature. We never keep the bug for more then a minute or two.
I also made this magnet activity for the boys to put together. I don't have a pattern for this because I free handed it. I just drew the outline of a general insect and then made the parts different colors to coordinate with their labels.
Here he is all put together:)

1 comment:

  1. are these a current find in the dollar section? ours hasn't been changed out in awhile.


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