Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What's Out Wednesday!

I got busy last week so I didn't post WOW but I am back:) Still busy but I made time for a post:)

Our Block Area has some new editions:) Meet the Family:) I used some wood blocks that I got for 50 cents at a thrift store(a gallon size bag). I colored them with sharpies.

We paired the little family with our furniture from our fire station and the kiddos all loved it. Caden and a Friend put this little house together.

On our white board we have a little Solar System action(Caden's Favorite Subject). As you can see we have a poster and planet, sun and asteroid belt magnets that I made.

Here they are in order.I also have a ring of fact cards that Caden loves to read with me (from a work book from costco).

If you want to make your own: I got the styrofoam balls from the dollar store in a bag, I sliced a slice off of the back of each one, painted them and stuck magnets on the back. Easy, fun and less then 2 bucks.

We have large side walk chalk at the easle and it's the really bright Safari chalk so the kids have really enjoyed it.

Nate hung up my old chalk board for me. The kids have their easle so Nate put this up high for me to write the letter of the day or whatever other things we are foucusing on. It's fun to have a little spot where I can get creative:) It's hanging above our white board.

Jack's Shelf: Stacking Cubes, Shape Sorter, Vehicle puzzle(that he is so CLOSE to mastering!), Name Tracing Plate, Vehichle puzzle, Nesting Barrlals, and his "Messy Tub" has plastic balls with a scoop and basket.

On the shelves we have this push pin activity. It's just large push pins and a cork board.

On the rest of the shelf we have all the basics with some twists:)

This little spot is for Caden's BOB books that he has already passed off. I told him that he can put a sticker up for himself everytime he reads a book on his own. No pressure. When he fills it in he gets to pick out a new book at Costco. I'm leaving it in his hands to see what he does with it.
On the special table we have a sink and float activity. Each test tube has one item in it that either sinks or floats and you sort it into the proper tray:)

Here it is completed. The kids have all really enjoyed this activity. Even Jack likes to put all of the test tubes in the trays:)


  1. I love your WOW posts! Is there some sort of linkup for these?

  2. I just love all of your stuff. The test tubes are AWESOME! Love the planet magnets and the family blocks are so neat!

  3. We're working on the solar system right now - I love your magnets and will have to try to make those!

  4. Love the block family and thanks for showing how you made your planet magnets. I wish I'd thought of that when we studied the planets a while back. I'm certain we'll touch upon the planets again however, and I will have to remember your brilliant idea.

  5. Wonderful activities as always,thats why i have a award for you. Please visit my blog

  6. I love your space unit. Will have to head out to the dollar store. The question I have is for your sink and float containers what do have in them and here's the silly question (no laughing, lol) are they filled with water? I have several of these test tubes but am searching for the stands. Can I ask where you purchased your tubes and stands from? Thank you sharing your classroom with us. Love it. Mrs. Valerie

  7. Sorry had one more question. Where did you find the large pretty colored push pins. I see you have it out mon a low shelf. I wouldn't dare here my littles would start poking everything and everyone, lol. I never thought about using a cork boars very creative. I have just used printed pictures that they poke around kind of like a do a dot. Thanks again. Mrs. Valerie


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