Thursday, July 22, 2010


The boys love any tool that Daddy uses so I set up this measuring activity with a tape measure.

I had Nate buy a square dowel for 97 cents and then cut it into 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 inch pieces. I used a square one so that it would stay flat while measuring, I also put out 9 little foam numbers so that once you measure you can place the correct number beside it.

Me and Caden worked on this together with all of the sticks but when I put it out on the shelf I only put out 5 sticks. Jack wanted to help:)

Caden was being so sweet asking Jack to hand him a stick and telling him Thank you even though he wasn't really being very "helpful" :) I love children!!!


  1. I love how they are working so sweetly together! Now that really measures up to something:)

  2. Great activity! Do you mind linking this up to our math blog hop?


  3. So cool! That picture melted my heart. so sweet!

  4. I love this activity. I didn't even know there were square dowels - I'm making a trip to the store though to get some. THANK YOU for sharing this.

  5. I am so doing this. My kids love tape measures of any kind so this will be perfect :)

  6. I do this activity with our cuisinaire rods:)

  7. We have an award for you at our blog. See

    Thanks for the great site!


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