Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What's Out Wednesday!

The Sensory Tub has river stones and some fun containers and tongs.

We got a new Abuccus from Ikea!

On the special table we have a water transfer activity. The child uses a dropper to transfer the colored water to the vase. Once they have transferred all of the water they then pour the vase of water back and use the little pink towel to clean up any spills. This has been a very popular activity!

This next activity is out on the shelf. The box has matching stones and a magnifying glass. Match the stones and sort them in the tray and then study the differences with the magnifying glass.

Lion and Whale erasers for making a pattern, LOL This has hardly been touched!
Jack's shelf(actually it's used by all of the kids) has: One inch stacking cubes, pom pom bottle, nesting cups, metal tin with clips, stacking rings, and two puzzles.


  1. Where did you get your stones at? Those look like lots of fun. :)

  2. You always have the nicest things out for your kids. I want to come over and learn too:)

  3. I really like the stone matching activity as well. I agree with the girl wpt - when can the munchkin and I come over to play! ha!

    I have an award for you over on my blog

  4. Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I have given you The Versatile Blogger Award because I think that you have a great blog.

    Have a great day!
    My Delicious Ambiguity


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